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Showing posts from November, 2018

PewDiePie vs Tseries - let's spread the hate

Few months ago, when I saw a video on PewDiePie YouTube channel, I checked his subscribers count as usual. (Just to know how many subscribers does world's most subscribed youtuber has) Guess what, I got a very intriguing trailer video from T Series as an advertisement before that video. After watching PewDiePie's video, I decided to give tseries a visit. Unintentionally looking at the subscribers count, I was shocked.  No fucking way, I thought. Tseries was at 59 Million subscribers. Time passed. I thought I was the only one who noticed this. But one more person did that too. PewDiePie. And then came up the very first live subscriber count video. There were 29 guys around the world watching it with me. And all of us were laughing. Having fun with it. (Shut up! I know that's not how a YouTube live chat looks like) "WTF" "Don't you have any homework [channel owner]" "@abc where are you from?" "Wow. Great work. PewDie